Submission Instructions

  1. Presentation Language: You may choose to present in either English or Mandarin Chinese.
  2. If your proposal is accepted, the conference will cover accommodation and meals for foreign scholars (not based in Taiwan) from May 20 to May 23, 2025 (four days). Accommodation and meal expenses outside of these dates must be covered by the attendees. The conference will not cover airfare or airport transfer fee from the airport to Academia Sinica, but will provide information on transportations about transportation.
    For domestic scholars, round-trip transportation expenses will be covered for those traveling from Hsinchu or further south. If you attend two consecutive days of the conference, one night of accommodation will be provided.
  3. Submission Deadline: Submissions are open until September 30, 2024.。
  4. Submission Method: Please upload your submission through the submission system. The website for the submission system is:

  5. Submission Contents:
  6. (1)Please choose Individual Paper or Panel
    (2)Individual Paper
    Please provide:
    1. Presenter’s Name
    2. Email
    3. Affiliation
    4. Title
    5. Phone Number
    6. All Authors’ Names
    7. All Authors’ Emails
    8. Presentation Language: English or Mandarin Chinese
    9. Paper Title
    10. Keywords (Please list five keywords at most)
    11. Abstract (Please upload. Abstracts should not exceed 750 words)
    12. Which session do you think your paper belongs to?
    Please provide:
      1. Panel Organizer’s Name
      2. Panel Organizer’s Email
      3. Panel Organizer’s Affiliation
      4. Panel Organizer’s Title
      5. Panel Organizer’s Phone Number
      6. Which session do you think your panel belongs to?
      7. Panel Description (Please summarize the panel’s topic, issues to be discussed, and number of expected participants and papers. Please also provide a brief overview of each paper)
      8. Each Presenter’s Name
      9. Each Presenter’s Email
      10. Each Presenter’s Affiliation
      11. Each Presenter’s Title
      12. Each Presenter’s Phone Number
      13. All Authors Names for Each Paper
      14. All Authors Emails for Each Paper
      15. Presentation Language for Each Paper: English or Mandarin Chinese
      16. Each Paper’s Title
      17. Each Paper’s Keywords (Please list five keywords at most)
      18. Each Paper’s Abstract (Please upload. Abstracts should not exceed 750 words)
      19. Each Discussant’s Name
      20. Each Discussant’s Email
      21. Each Discussant’s Affiliation
      22. Each Discussant’s Title
      23. Each Discussant’s Phone Number