Conference Themes

Taiwan in a Changing World: Past, Present, and Future

We encourage participants to address various issues, including history and philology, archeology, ethnology, modern history, economics, Taiwan history, European and American studies, Chinese literature and philosophy, sociology, linguistics, law, political science, as well as humanities and social sciences. We expect this conference to provide a comprehensive and intellectual platform for the communities of Taiwan studies around the globe.

Conference subtopic

1.Research on Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples
2.Han Chinese and Austronesian Peoples: Ethnic Studies
3.Research on Formosan Languages
4.Religions in Taiwan
5.Historical Demography of Taiwan
6.Social and Cultural Resilience in Taiwan
7.Religion and the Diversification of Modern Taiwanese Culture
8.Development of Taiwan’s Chinese History Studies, Ancient Chinese History, Modern Chinese History
9.Taiwan and the Seas: Taiwanese Maritime History, East Asian Exchange History
10.“Sinology” and Taiwan: History of Chinese Thought, Confucian Studies
11.Taiwan in Global History
12.Taiwanese Archaeology in New Perspectives
13.Urban and Rural Studies
14.Gender/Sexuality, Marriage, Family, Migration and Population Changes
15.Economy and Society in Transformation: Stratification, Networks and Social Capital, Social Movements, Ethnicity and Identity, Health and Medical Care
16.Taiwan’s Education and Humanities: Literacy Learning and Teaching Technologies

17.Literature and Arts: Taiwanese Literature, Taiwanese Arts
18.Retrospective and Prospective Studies of Taiwan’s Economy: Economy, Finance, Trade, Regional Integration
19.Environmental Issues, Energy Transitions and Sustainable Development
20.Taiwan’s Diplomatic Relations in Structural Transformation: Cross-Strait Relations, Taiwan-US Relations, Taiwan-EU Relations, Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, Overseas communities affairs
21.Changes in the Values and Happiness of Taiwanese People
22.Media Usage Among Taiwanese People: Changes, New Trends and Implications
23.Changes and Continuities in Taiwanese Families: Family Composition, Relationships, and Interactions
24.Philosophical Study of Public Affairs in Taiwan: Political Theory and Social Issues, Global Justice and East Asian Philosophy, Contemporary Political Philosophy
25.Public Health Surveillance and Response
26.Digital Governance and Smart Territory
27.Legal Development in Taiwan
28.Development of Taiwan Studies Abroad: Foreign Studies Related to Taiwan
29.Evolving Taiwanese Politics: Party Politics, Democratic Development, Electoral Studies
30.Taiwan and the Global Cold War: Regional Politics, Military, Diplomacy, Society, Culture, Literature, and Arts
31.History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Post-War Taiwan